Welcome to Horsell's Farm Enterprises, located at Sundey Hill Farm
Sundey Hill Farm is a special place located just outside of Brinkworth in Wiltshire. It endevours to be an oasis of farming, based on a Green Philosophy created by Roger and Sophie Scruton.
The Farm plays host to all sorts of events including; Open Farm Sundays, Philosophy days, Scrutopia Summer School, and the local Braydon Forest Farmers association who are passionate about the future of sustainable farming.
The Orchard Meeting room is crucial to the farms hosting ability and is available to hire, please click here for more information on using the Meeting Room.
Sundey Hill Farm has been carefully and sypathetically managed and is proud to play host to a plethora of wildlife aswel as people. Click here to see the results of our latest wildlife survey and find out more about the species that surround us.
This website was created in order to share a little taste of what goes on at Sundey Hill Farm, if you would also like to learn more about Sir Roger Scruton then please click here to visit the website dedicated to his career.
Please enjoy a birds-eye view of Sundey Hill Farm

Writing about country life has been a national pastime since the 18th century, and there is no sign that the reading public has lost interest in it.

Teaching & Lecturing
In 1999 we established the Town and Country Forum, with the intention of bringing influential people together in order to discuss the future of the countryside.

Orchard Meeting Room
The Orchard Meeting Room - Modern Studio Space available for Meetings and Training at Sundey Hill Farm.

We at Horsell’s Farm Enterprises, work with our neighbours to ensure that our 100 acres of Wiltshire countryside is managed efficiently by grazing.

Wildlife & Conservation
We have been for many years integrated into the Countryside Stewardship scheme, and have worked closely with the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust in order to bring back the wildlife to our fields.

The Rural Future
We hope to develop HFE as a model farm that will show how the rural economy can thrive without breaking the ties to agriculture or to the traditional forms of country life.